Salvia clevelandii ‘Winnifred Gilman’
A California Native Salvia that is also known as Cleveland Sage, and California Blue Sage. This beautiful Salvia grows 3-4 feet tall x 4-5 feet wide. The aromatic foliage of ‘Winnifred Gilman’ can be used either fresh or dried in floral arrangements, and adds a clean, sweet desert-morning scent to potpourri.
In late spring and early summer, ‘Winnifred Gilman’ blooms brilliant sapphire-blue flowers that grow in widely-spaced whorls along 18-24” stems. Remove spent blooms to encourage re-bloom. To maintain a dense and compact appearance, and to increase blooms for the following year, prune back the entire plant by about 1/3 in late fall to early winter.

As with most California Native Sages, this Salvia will survive with very little to no irrigation. However, it will look its best if given occasional deep waterings – about once per month. It is absolutely imperative that your Salvia is planted in very well-draining soil. (Think dry garden beds, slopes)
The eye-catching blooms attract Bees, Butterflies and Hummingbirds, however because of the aromatic foliage, Deer seem to avoid this plant. It is frost hardy to 15-20° F, and the Sunset Western Climate Zones are 8-9, 12-24. We are currently growing Salvia clevelandii ‘Winnifred Gilman’ in both 1 and 5 gallon containers.

Remember that “Fall is the time for planting”, so order some of these outstanding plants today. To see photos of these and many other plants we are growing, visit our website Also, we invite you to follow us on Instagram @clearwatercolornursery to get a behind the scene look at life around the nursery.
