Cyclamen ‘Latinia Success Series’

The eye-catching colors of a Cyclamen bloom are reminiscent of a butterfly and rise on a stem above a rosette of basal leaves. The foliage is dark green with marbled, silvery coloring, which complement the flower nicely. Its blooming season is Autumn and Winter.

Cyclamen’s are hardy perennials that are perfect for landscapes in colder regions up to 23°F.
This compact plant is fairly easy to grow. If planted outside, they do well in full sun or partial shade with regular watering. They can also be grown as an indoor houseplant near a cool, bright windowsill. Since Cyclamen are cool-weather plants, they do not do well if they are overwatered, exposed to heat, or direct sunlight.

Cyclamen’s grow best in rich, porous soil with lots of humus and can be grown from tuber or seed. The best time to plant tubers is during its dormant period in the summer.
This is a great plant with colorful blooms and attractive foliage. It is deer resistant, shade tolerant, and is considered a low maintenance plant.
We are currently growing the Latinia Success series in 4.5” rounds in an assortment of colors. Please be sure to check out our weekly availability to see all the colors we have to offer!
The Cyclamen pictured here are part of the Flamed series.