Westringia fruticosa ‘Coast Rosemary’
As the name implies, this perennial shrub is an excellent choice for coastal gardens, as it is extremely tolerant of the wind and salt spray found along the sea shore. Westringia fruticosa ‘Coast Rosemary’ is easy to grow and requires little maintenance. Its natural growth habit is well-branched, open and airy. However, if a more formal look is what you’re going for, simply prune ‘Coast Rosemary’ into a formal hedge or even a compact topiary. It grows 2-5 feet tall x 4-7 feet wide and has fine-textured foliage very similar to that of Rosemary officinalis.

Dainty, white two-lipped flowers with tiny burgundy spots appear midwinter through spring, attracting Hummingbirds and other beneficial pollinators. ‘Coast Rosemary’ is hardy to approximately 25°F, and the Sunset Climate Zones are 8, 9, 14-24. Plant in full sun to partial shade, in well-drained soil. Although it can withstand short periods of drought, it will look its best with regular, moderate irrigation.

We are currently growing Westringia fruticosa ‘Coast Rosemary’ in one gallon containers. Follow us on Instagram and Facebook @clearwatercolornursery to get a behind the scenes look at what’s happening around our nursery.