Juncus effusus spiralis ‘Twister’ (Corkscrew Rush, Unicorn Rush)
Juncus effusus spiralis ‘Twister’
(Corkscrew Rush, Unicorn Rush)
If you want to add some interest to your garden, prompting oohs and aahs from your friends and neighbors, you’ve got to plant some Juncus effuses spiralis ‘Twister’. Although they look a lot like a grass, Juncus plants are actually a Rush, and are in the Juncaceae Family. Grasses are in the Poaceae Family and Sedges are in the Cyperaceae Family.

Juncus are round-stemmed and typically have a linear growth habit. ‘Twister’ is unique because of its twisted stems that grow in a cork-screw formation.
The deep green stems grow in both a vertical and horizontal manner, making for a fun and whimsical addition to the landscape or mixed container. ‘Twister’ can even be grown as a house plant if placed in a bright room, out of direct sunlight. Sitting on your desk at work, ‘Twister’ can be a real conversation starter. This charming plant is sometimes called Unicorn plant, and would be a fun addition to a Fairy Garden. Many Florists use the stems, either fresh or dried, to add interest to floral arrangements and bouquets.

It does best with moderately moist soil, but as with other Juncus, it will be happy making its home in very wet conditions. Do you have a water feature in your garden and cannot find a plant that can handle the constant overspray of water? Juncus ‘Twister’ has got you covered! Do you have a dripping water spigot, causing the soil to be perpetually moist? Plant some Juncus in that area. Do you have a pond on your property and are looking for plants that will thrive in standing water? Juncus is the plant for you.

Juncus ‘Twister’ stays compact at 10-12 inches tall
and 12-18 inches wide. It is easy to care for, and once it’s established will spread be creeping rhizomes. As a bonus, it is both deer and rabbit resistant. The Sunset Climate Zones for Juncus effuses spiralis ‘Twister’ are 1-24. We are currently growing ‘Twister’ in both 1 gallon containers and 4.5” pots.

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