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Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘Dark Knight’ (Blue Beard, Blue Mist Spirea)

Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘Dark Knight’ (Blue Beard, Blue Mist Spirea)

This low-mounding, deciduous shrub has fragrant foliage and is topped with clusters of small blue flowers that are an excellent nectar source for Bees and Butterflies.

‘Dark Knight’s growth habit serves well in providing wildlife habitat for ground-dwelling birds and reptiles. It is also both Rabbit and Deer resistant. This variety of Caryopteris grows 2-3 feet tall and wide, and thrives in full to partial sun. Plant in well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter, and avoid heavy clay soil.

The subtle fragrance of the foliage makes it well suited along the edge of a garden path or an entry way.

Valued for its long bloom cycle, from late spring through autumn, ‘Dark Knight’ is still going strong when many other plants have finished for the season. The foliage tends to die back to the stem in winter, with the roots remaining dormant until spring. Because ‘Dark Knight’ produces flowers on new growth, it is important to prune back almost to the ground in early spring to promote vigorous new stem growth.

The Sunset Western Climate Zones are 2b – 9, 14-24. We are currently growing a beautiful, in full bloom crop of Caryopteris x clandonensis ‘Dark Knight’ in 1 gallon containers.

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