Verbena speciosa ‘Imagination’
This outstanding hybrid Verbena is both an All American Selection Winner and a Fleuroselect Gold Medal Winner. It is a hardy plant that was tested and proven to be superior in professional landscapes and home gardens. ‘Imagination’ has an abundance of 2” dark purple flower clusters that bloom the first year and continue all season long, from spring through fall. They attract butterflies but are both rabbit and deer resistant.

The plants have dissected foliage and grow 1-3 feet tall and 3-6 feet wide, spreading by creeping stems called stolens that grow on top of the soil. It is an excellent choice as a groundcover on slopes and banks to help keep the ground secure from erosion. If planted 18-36 inches apart, this fast grower will completely fill in within 12-18 months.

Verbena speciosa ‘Imagination’ has a trailing habit and the cascading blooms look stunning planted in hanging baskets, window boxes and mixed container gardens. It is surprisingly drought and heat tolerant and can handle frost fairly well. If burned back by frost, it will typically return again in the spring. If the branches start to look leggy, simply cut them back, and ‘Imagination’ will grow back better than before. Plant in full sun in well-drained soil.
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