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Lysimachia congestiflora ‘Persian Chocolate’

Lysimachia congestiflora ‘Persian Chocolate’

Profuse shiny purple leaves contrast beautifully with bright yellow bell-shaped flowers in this low-growing, spreading perennial. Native to China’s damp grassland areas, this plant has moderate watering needs, but grows vigorously in part shade to full sun, especially on low wet ground or near water. It is a short growing plant, at only 6 inches tall but will spread as far as 3 feet wide and fill in woodland edges, steep ledges, beds, borders, and rock gardens. It drapes beautifully over edges of containers, and can be accentuated by pairing with plants of contrasting foliage such as Lonicera nitida ‘Lemon Beauty’ or Duranta erecta ‘Aurea Yellow’. In the garden landscape setting it will also be a good companion plant to the bright golden-yellow blooms of Coreopsis and Gaillardia species. It begins blooming in late spring and continues well into fall. ‘Persian Chocolate’ prefers soil that is high in organic matter and well drained, and grows best in Sunset Climate Zones 8, 9, 14-24, and H1 and H2. Being native to subtropical regions, this plant won’t tolerate frost or temperatures below 20° F. Divide in Spring or Fall to clear room for more growth and multiply your collection of this beautiful plant!

Lysimachia’s are contained in the family Primulaceae with Cyclamen and Primrose, having formerly been counted in the Myrsinaceae family which was more recently assimilated into the Primulaceae family. It is sometimes called loosestrife, although it can be noted that it is distinct from other plants of that name that are contained in the Lythrum family. Another common name for some Lysimachia’s are Moneyworts, due to their leaves being round like a coin. We are currently selling Lysimachia ‘Persian Chocolate’ in gallon sized containers. Give us a call, ‘Like’ us on Face book, or check out our website at to learn more about this and other plants we are growing at Clearwater Color Nursery.

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