Salvia patens ‘Patio Dark Blue’ & ‘Patio Sky Blue’
Salvia patens ‘Patio Dark Blue’ & ‘Patio Sky Blue’
(Gentian Sage)
These stunning upright sages are one of the most striking of all flowering plants with their truest of blue color. Their elegant, large, eye-catching blooms rise above bright green foliage on 6-15” stems. The arrow shaped leaves are serrated and have a soft hair covering them. They are one of the less fragrant salvias but have the typical herbaceous scent when the leaves are crushed. These pest free, low maintenance beauties will attract butterflies, bees, and hummingbirds to your garden in beds, borders, path edging, or even containers. They will bloom mid-summer through fall if fertilized and dead headed after initial bloom cycle.
Native to the central regions of Mexico, Salvia patens thrive in Sunset Climate Zones 9, 14-24, H1 &H2 and are a great match for the California landscape. A perennial herb, Salvia patens spreads slowly by tuberous roots and will grow 2-3 feet tall by 1-2 feet wide. When planting leave 18-21” between plants to allow for spreading. They prefer well-drained soil, and will tolerate full sun if the climate is not overly dry and hot, in which case partial sun is preferred. They do not tolerate hard frost, but will grow back from the root in less cold areas. Mulch to protect roots during the winter if temperatures go below freezing in your area.
Pair in the landscape with Delphinium, Echinacea, Coreopsis, Gaillardia, and Penstemon for a colorful show in your yard. We are currently growing Salvia patens ‘Patio Dark Blue’ and ‘Patio Sky Blue’ in one gallon containers. Give us a call, ‘Like’ us on Facebook, or check our website at to learn more about these and other plants we are growing this Fall!