Leptospermum scoparium ‘Helene Strybing’
Also known as Tea Tree. This lovely, flowering, evergreen shrub is from the myrtle family. It has small, needle-like green leaves with a...

Osteospermum ecklonis ‘Voltage™ White’
Osteospermum ecklonis ‘Voltage™ White’ Commonly known as African Daisies or Cape Daisies, Osteospermum ‘Voltage™ White’s brilliant white...

Dianthus chinensis ‘Venti Parfait™ Crimson’
Dianthus chinensis ‘Venti Parfait™ Crimson’ Just in time for the up-coming the holiday season, our Dianthus chinensis ‘Venti Parfait™...

Dianthus caryophyllus ‘Odessa Yellow Bling Bling’ and ‘Odessa Pierrot’
Dianthus caryophyllus ‘Odessa Yellow Bling Bling’ and ‘Odessa Pierrot’ These perennial Pot Carnations have a neat and tidy growth habit...

Rosemary officinalis ‘Irene’
Rosemary officinalis ‘Irene’ Known for being one of the best low-growing, spreading Rosemary on the market, ‘Irene’ has a mounding,...

Mecardonia grandiflora ‘Garden Freckles’™
Mecardonia grandiflora ‘Garden Freckles’™ Just the name alone tells you that this darling plant is one you’ll want to add to your garden....

Salvia microphylla x greggii ‘Heatwave™ Glimmer’
Salvia microphylla x greggii ‘Heatwave™ Glimmer’ An outstanding perennial for water-wise gardens, Salvia microphylla x greggii ‘Heatwave™...

Coreopsis grandiflora ‘Double the Sun’
If you are looking to add bright pops of color to your fall garden, Coreopsis grandiflora ‘Double the Sun’ is a perfect choice. The...

Erigeron karvinskianus ‘Spindrift’
Erigeron karvinskianus ‘Spindrift’ A compact form of Santa Barbara Daisy, ‘Spindrift’ grows 8-12” tall and wide, and is covered with...

Verbena lilacina ‘Paseo Rancho’ (Paseo Rancho Cedros Island Verbena)
Verbena lilacina ‘Paseo Rancho’ (Paseo Rancho Cedros Island Verbena) Native to Cedros Island off the coast of Baja California, this...