Salvia chamaedryoides ‘Marine Blue’ (Marine Blue Germander Sage)
Salvia chamaedryoides ‘Marine Blue’ (Marine Blue Germander Sage) This attractive perennial Salvia is known for its masses of true-blue...

Coreopsis grandiflora ‘Double the Sun’
If you are looking to add bright pops of color to your fall garden, Coreopsis grandiflora ‘Double the Sun’ is a perfect choice. The...

Bulbine frutescens ‘Hallmark’ (Orange Stalked Bulbine)
Bulbine frutescens ‘Hallmark’ (Orange Stalked Bulbine) Fall is here and it’s the perfect time to add bright pops of orange to the...

Epilobium canum ‘Hollywood Flame’ (Zauschneria canum)
Epilobium canum ‘Hollywood Flame’ (Zauschneria canum) As summer fades into fall there are some plants that really begin to show their...

Hyssop officinalis (Hyssopus officinalis)
Hyssop officinalis (Hyssopus officinalis) A perennial herb in the Lamiaceae family, that is originally from areas of Southern Europe near...

Aquilegia x hybrid ‘Swan’ Series
Aquilegia x hybrid ‘Swan’ Series (Columbine, Granny’s Bonnet) Aquilegia, pronounced aqui-le-gia is a genus of approximately 70 species...

Ceanothus ‘Julia Phelps’ (Small Leaf Mountain Lilac)
Ceanothus ‘Julia Phelps’ (Small Leaf Mountain Lilac) Considered a shrub Ceanothus, ‘Julia Phelps’ grows 5-7 feet tall x 7-9 feet wide....

Aeonium arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ (Black Rose)
Aeonium arboreum ‘Zwartkop’ (Black Rose) If you are looking to add height and color variation to your succulent gardens, Aeonium arboreum...

Veronica umbrosa ‘Georgia Blue’ (Creeping Speedwell)
Veronica umbrosa ‘Georgia Blue’ (Creeping Speedwell) Have you ever been searching for just the right plant that will add a pop of color...

Grevillea rosmarinifolia ‘Scarlet Sprite’
Grevillea rosmarinifolia ‘Scarlet Sprite’ Native to Australia, this semi-compact mounding shrub grows 4-5 feet tall x 6-8 feet wide. The...