Salvia nemorosa
This week we are highlighting not one but four(!) beautiful types of Salvia nemorosa growing here at Clearwater Color Nursery. Native to...

Salvia microphylla x greggii ‘Heatwave™ Glimmer’
Salvia microphylla x greggii ‘Heatwave™ Glimmer’ An outstanding perennial for water-wise gardens, Salvia microphylla x greggii ‘Heatwave™...

Salvia chamaedryoides ‘Marine Blue’ (Marine Blue Germander Sage)
Salvia chamaedryoides ‘Marine Blue’ (Marine Blue Germander Sage) This attractive perennial Salvia is known for its masses of true-blue...

Ptilotus exaltus ‘Joey’® (Mula Mula)
Ptilotus exaltus ‘Joey’® (Mula Mula) Native to central Australia, this herbaceous perennial displays an abundance of upright,...